Why invest in solar farms ?
A clear and low-risk underlying asset
Thanks to the economic model of these utility-scale PV power stations, the Photosol group is able to offer a low-risk investment, where risks are identified and provided for:
Safe turnover fed by the resale of electricity (resale rates guaranteed for 20 years by contracts with EDF).
Contractual control and predictability of PV-plant operational costs (rent, maintenance, financial interests are all regulated by contracts).
No project development risk. The Photosol group only offers investors projects that have obtained all the administrative authorisations required and where the electricity resale price is fixed for 20 years.
Choice partners for the construction and operational monitoring of the PV power stations.
Authorisation audits, technical audits, contract audits are all carried out by the lending institutions for the non-recourse project funding.
An ecological asset
The investment solutions proposed by the Photosol group provide an easy and direct access to:
Investing in utility-scale photovoltaic power stations in France.
Capitalising on the current boom in this sector whilst helping France to shift towards renewable energies.
Contribute to the development of one of France’s pioneer green electricity operators.
A clear investment with reduced costs
Possibility of investing in capital (with the benefit of local tax rebates) or bond debt (fixed rate remuneration).
No entry/management/exit fees as Photosol’s objective is to fully invest in the construction and operation of PV power stations, not make money with recurring expenses.
Systematic participation of PHOTOSOL DEV (the sponsor of all projects) who remains a significant shareholder in the power stations, along with the investors.
A ± 5-year investment horizon.